Lisa Robbin Young

[Creative Freedom S5E8]

You've probably heard the phrase "riches in niches" more times than you care to count. As a creative entrepreneur, finding a niche can feel challenging if you don't solve a "problem" or "pain" with your Great Work.

That's why I don't support the idea of looking for a pain to solve, but instead, looking at core values - which are a clearer indicator of why clients buy from you (and keep buying from you for years to come). In this episode, I'm stealin' a process from the manufacturing world to help you hone in on why clients buy from you and how to find more clients just like 'em.

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Download Season 5 Episode 8 | iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify 

Podcast Show Notes

  • 1:34 Why getting super specific in your niche (target market) might be problematic when you're just getting started.
  • 4:35 The Six Sigma tool that helps you find the real reasons why your clients buy from you.
  • 10:00 How to triangulate your best clients through "people types" that match your core values.
  • 11:25 Two questions to ask your potential audience to help narrow your niche and avoid working in an unprofitable market.
  • 14:45 Why paying for ads might not be a good idea with a new niche
  • 19:35 How to test your new niche and how to know if you've picked the wrong one

Mentioned In This Episode

Rising Tide Members

Our Rising Tide Community has moved! If you're already a member, you can login and access your free downloads here.

Not a member yet? It's free! When you register for the Rising Tide, you also get email updates, the FREE learning library, and access to episode transcripts, worksheets, and more!

Sponsors & Credits

Special thanks to our Patrons for your continued support.
Music: “Welcome to the Show” by Kevin MacLeod, Music licensed under

[Creative Freedom S5E7]

If you're a heart-centered creative entrepreneur struggling with pricing, there's good news: you don't have to subsist on a survival-level income, and you don't have to price gouge your clients in order to be successful. There's a middle ground that's profitable and sustainable.

Your pricing tells a story, and it's personal. For creative entrepreneurs there is no topic more in need of a mindset shift than pricing. Pricing is more than just materials + time. It's about your pricing mythology, your audience expectations, and other considerations that we'll run through in this episode.

P.S. Tickets for the 2020 Creative Freedom Retreat go on sale soon! We're going to NOLA, baby! Make sure you're on my email list to be one of the first to know more!

Listen To The Podcast

Download Season 5 Episode 7 | iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify 

Podcast Show Notes

  • 2:53 - Why you may need a mindset shift around pricing and high-priced offers
  • 5:10 - Why you probably can't charge less than $100/hr and why $500/hr may be more reasonable.
  • 8:40 - How pricing mythology means a company like Starbucks can charge more than McDonald's
  • 14:00 - How your audience is a factor in pricing.
  • 23:00 - IPA2 is the key to your livelihood in business
  • 25:43 - Another approach to pricing: Mark Silver's Resonant Pricing Exercise

Mentioned In This Episode

Rising Tide Members

Our Rising Tide Community has moved! If you're already a member, you can login and access your free downloads here.

Not a member yet? It's free! When you register for the Rising Tide, you also get email updates, the FREE learning library, and access to episode transcripts, worksheets, and more!

Sponsors & Credits

Special thanks to our Patrons for your continued support.
Music: “Welcome to the Show” by Kevin MacLeod, Music licensed under

[Creative Freedom S5E6]

How ya liking the new website? Have you checked out the virtual card deck or taken the new version of the quiz yet? I haven't done a formal post yet about all the changes. That's coming soon. Right now, I'm coming off the high that is Creative Freedom Live. I got home earlier this week, and it's been fun to unwind and "recover" from such an amazing weekend. More on that later, too!

Today, though, I'm going to do my darndest to make business models approachable and easy to navigate. Just hearing the word “business model” can conjure up spreadsheets, process diagrams, flow charts, and other stress-inducing imagery. But business models don't have to be stressful. 

Once you figure out your unique business model, you’ll like how sexy the results are: more money, meaning, and impact. More Raving Fans for your work, more freedom, and more time to focus on what’s truly important to you. 

The best part? It isn’t hard to figure out. The hard parts are sitting down to DO the work and then staying true to the business model that works for you. If you follow along today, you’ll even have some of that handled, too.

Listen To The Podcast

Download Season 5 Episode 6 iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify 

Podcast Show Notes

  • 4:51 - A true story "cold" calling - and how that model works, but at what cost?
  • 8:28 - 360-degree business design and the business model "equation"
  • 10:20 - questions to ask yourself to help get clarity on the first part of the equation
  • 12:50 - Creatives can't usually "Start with why" like Simon Sinek suggests, but "why" is an important SECOND question
  • 14:00 - Finding the people most likely to say "Yes" to your offers
  • 16:37 - How the second half of the equation falls together more easily
  • 18:35 - The flexibility of the "What" and "How" elements of the equation

Mentioned In This Episode

Rising Tide Members

Our Rising Tide Community has moved! If you're already a member, you can login and access your free downloads here.

Not a member yet? It's free! When you register for the Rising Tide, you also get email updates, the FREE learning library, and access to episode transcripts, worksheets, and more!

Sponsors & Credits

Special thanks to our Patrons for your continued support.
Music: “Welcome to the Show” by Kevin MacLeod, Music licensed under

[Creative Freedom S5E3]

One of the things that stops creatives from growing their business is a fear that they don’t have the credibility it takes to attract quality clients. Fusion Creatives tend to be “credential collectors” which stops you from bringing your Great Work to the world. This episode shares five things you can do (starting today) to build credibility in your niche, even if you’re just starting out.

Listen to the Podcast

Download Season 5 Episode 3 | iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify 

Podcast Show Notes

  • 2:01  – What a well known “Trust Barometer” tells us about building trust in today’s marketplace
  • 3:38 – How Muhammad Ali, Steve Jobs, and Lady Gaga built credible brands (hint: it’s not sexy!)
  • 9:08 – How I built credibility when I first started in the online world.
  • 11:18 – Questions to ask to get powerful testimonials
  • 14:03 – How to ETHICALLY borrow the credibility of peers and influencers
  • 22:23 – A subtle “underground advertising” technique to get more press coverage

Mentioned in this episode:

Rising Tide Members

Our Rising Tide Community has moved! If you're already a member, you can login and access your free downloads here.

Not a member yet? It's free! When you register for the Rising Tide, you also get email updates, the FREE learning library, and access to episode transcripts, worksheets, and more!

Sponsors & Credits

Special thanks to our Patrons for your continued support.
Music: “Welcome to the Show” by Kevin MacLeod, Music licensed under

[Creative Freedom S5E2]

Think you're ready to hire a business coach? Jessica did! She asked what kinds of questions she should ask during a hiring interview.

Not so fast!

Before you plunk down your hard-earned cash, make sure you know what you're getting - and that you're ready to make the investment.

Too many creative entrepreneurs get burned by hiring the wrong person at the wrong time. This episode gives you specifics about the different kinds of business support that exist - including coaching - to help you determine what will serve you best at your current stage of business growth.

Listen to the Podcast

Download Season 5 Episode 2 | iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify 

Podcast Show Notes

  • 02:46 – The differences between coach, teacher, consultant, and mentor
  • 05:55 – How masterminds and accountability partners can be similar (and different from) coaching
  • 8:09 – Other types of business support (VA, OBM, and Incubators)
  • 21:23 – How one coach trained his clients to expect miracles, and ruined his coaching practice
  • 25:42 – Questions and suggestions for your business coach pre-hire interview

Mentioned in this episode:

Rising Tide Members

Our Rising Tide Community has moved! If you're already a member, you can login and access your free downloads here.

Not a member yet? It's free! When you register for the Rising Tide, you also get email updates, the FREE learning library, and access to episode transcripts, worksheets, and more!

Sponsors & Credits

Special thanks to our Patrons for your continued support.
Music: "Welcome to the Show" by Kevin MacLeod. Music and sound effects licensed under Creative Commons 3.0

[Creative Freedom S5E1]

Brace yourself... Creative Freedom Season Five is here!

That's right! After a year of researching, scripting, filming, editing, and travelling, Creative Freedom is back for another season of inspiration and education to help you Own Your Dreams Without Selling Your SoulTM.

Creative entrepreneurs from all over the place sent me questions to answer, and we're kicking off the season with a few of the most important ones. Today, we're talking about branding, specifically how to re-invent yourself or brand yourself as a creative entrepreneur.

It's not always easy to brand yourself when you're constantly evolving. Heck, even the concept of branding has evolved over the years. This episode gives you some questions to consider, along with a brief history of branding through the centuries - and what it means to you (and your clients) in its current evolution.

Listen to the Podcast

Download Season 5 Episode 1 | iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify 

If you’re listening to just the podcast, you’re only getting about a third of the deal. Catch the Creative Freedom web series or join me on Facebook on Fridays at 5:30pm Central time for a LIVE Q&A about the week's topic.

Podcast Show Notes

  • 01:55 - A brief history of branding - it's not as boring as you might think!
  • 08:08 - What branding means (to you and your Raving Fans) in today's world
  • 9:27 - The evolution of my coaching practice from Home Party Solution to the Creative Freedom brand
  • 16:06 - The importance of repetition and reputation in branding yourself as a creative entrepreneur
  • 17:30 - 3 questions to ask yourself to help define your brand identity
  • 18:27 - Creative Entrepreneur Brand Case Study: Dr. Liz Powell
  • 20:29 - The new, old direction for the Creative Freedom Show
  • 23:37 - Where many creative entrepreneurs fall short with their branding

Mentioned in this episode:

Rising Tide Members

Our Rising Tide Community has moved! If you're already a member, you can login and access your free downloads here.

Not a member yet? It's free! When you register for the Rising Tide, you also get email updates, the FREE learning library, and access to episode transcripts, worksheets, and more!

Sponsors & Credits

Special thanks to our Patrons for your continued support.
Music: "Welcome to the Show" by Kevin MacLeod. Music and sound effects licensed under Creative Commons 3.0

Marvel just dropped the official trailer for the upcoming film, Avengers Endgame. Filming began in August 2017, in the can since January, and in post production since October. Fans have been dropping concept trailers since August. But the current release date is scheduled for the end of April, 2019!  

You can't buy tickets this early. So why drop the trailer now?

Disney knows a thing or two when it comes to marketing.

Yes, it takes time to edit a film, but not 18 months! The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a carefully choreographed series of content pieces that all work together on one timeline. They are released in a particular order that synchronizes with every other piece of content: film, television, etc. They tease future films in current ones, so you get a taste of what's to come. There are over 20 films already released in this series, with at least 15-20 more in the works (not to mention the numerous television series that are also interconnected to the film storylines)!

Disney also intentionally delayed the release of this trailer after the death of former President Bush. Disney insiders said they wanted to capitalize on the anticipated record-breaking buzz they'd get from the trailer release. If they released on a national day of mourning (when the markets are closed), they'd get very little financial benefit from dropping a FREE video clip.

The buzz created from record-breaking video views means an increase in stock price for Disney and their shareholders. They weren't about to miss out on that!

While you may not have a bunch of shareholders, you DO have a vested interest in watching what Disney is doing with Marvel's Avengers. They know how to create buzz and drive demand for an offer - even if that offer is a $10 (or $20) movie ticket.

Marvel's content marketing plan stretches for nearly 18 months!

Here's the thing: all that content comes directly from the film itself (and the people in it)! They're not re-inventing the wheel and trying to crank out a bunch of unrelated content to sell movie tickets. They're giving you some of the best bits of the movie (including the actors) well before the release date in order to entice you to buy a ticket and see the whole thing!

You need compelling content to be able to maintain that buzz for the long months between the start of filming, the first trailer release, and opening day at the box office. Certain media outlets get exclusive behind-the-scenes access during filming. The actors and directors book interviews and use their social media to talk up the film from shooting through opening day. Disney releases trailers and special behind-the-scenes clips to keep fans talking.

The more fans talk, the more fans watch. The more fans watch, the more fans talk. Good or bad, like it or not, the buzz keeps going, which means higher box office sales on opening weekend.

Granted, you may not have multiple offers to choreograph like Marvel does, but it's still important to plan ahead when you're marketing and selling your offers. Do you need 18 months to sell your next big thing? Maybe, maybe not, but a solid content marketing plan can make the difference between shoddy sales and blockbuster results.

What if you could create compelling content like Disney (and Marvel) for YOUR offers?

What if you could take a closer look at the elements of your offers and tease out the most compelling bits to share with your audience BEFORE your release date? What if your content could build buzz with your fans and get people talking about your content (and by extension, your offer) in advance, so that when you're ready to start selling, people are lined up and ready to buy, and is when using social media is great for this, since people use social media everyday now a days, even more apps like Facebook or Instagram, and you can click here to learn more about this and get the best resources for this.

That's what we're talking about this month in my Accountability Club! On Saturday, December 29 at NOON Central time, we're going to take a closer look at how Marvel and many of today's big names in entertainment, use different types of content to build excitement and drive demand for their projects. We'll also look at how you can use that same approach for your own upcoming offers.

If you're not a member, then you need to be on my email list to get the zoom link to join us!

You're going to learn:
* How to pull your content marketing material directly from your existing offers - regardless of your industry.
7 types of content that Hollywood uses to great effect - and how to do the same for your own offers.
* my exact process for generating as much content as possible in as little as a few hours.
* plus, access to the VERY SAME document I use that makes it super easy to keep your ideas organized.
And a sneak peek at MY content marketing plan for A-Club next year!

This is a WORKSHOP. Which means, you'll be working on your own plan with me during the session. As such, we're probably going to run a little longer - about 90 minutes instead of our usual 60. You'll be able to ask me questions and get suggestions for your specific plan... but only if you show up to the live workshop!

This is the LAST time I'm offering live access to A-Club training at no cost. I'm creating some new free training opportunities for next year, and as a result, A-Club will no longer be open to the public. If you're not a member, the only way to get access to this workshop  and the downloadable worksheet is to be on my email list. Details will go out next week,

In our last episode, I shared some tips to know if an event is worth attending or not. This week, it's only fair I offer some tips and lessons learned from my past 10+ years of doing live events. From basic teleclasses and online concerts to big, multi day virtual and in-person events, here are 8 lessons I learned - the hard way - that can save you a LOT of headaches and lost money when planning your next live event.

Update: Creative Freedom Live is filling up! We've got 2 private rooms left for the event. If it's a good fit for you, I'd love to see you there!

What kind of support do you need to make your next event a success?

Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments. Your insights may spark a conversation that helps someone else!

Mentioned in this episode:

Rising Tide Members

If you haven't already downloaded this week's bonus content, you'll want to do that here. Not a member yet? It's free! When you register for email updates, you also get access to episode transcripts, worksheets, and other downloadables!

Credits and Sponsors

Fashion jewelry from Kerianne at Tell her you saw her bling on Creative Freedom!

Music: "Welcome to the Show" by Kevin MacLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Over the past 10+ years, I've attended many events, hosted hundreds of live events of all shapes and sizes, and been paid to speak or perform at many more. So I think it's safe to say I've learned a thing or two about what makes for an event worth attending.

In this episode, I'm sharing a simple "equation" I developed to help you make an informed decision about which events are worth the investment, and which ones you can safely skip (for now), saving you precious time, energy, and money.

If you're curious about Creative Freedom Live, come check us out! Only 5 spots remain, and if it's a good fit for you, I'd love to see you there!

What are your event goals? What events are you attending in the next year?

Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments. Your insights may spark a conversation that helps someone else!

Mentioned in this episode:

Rising Tide Members

If you haven't already downloaded this week's bonus content, you'll want to do that here. Not a member yet? It's free! When you register for email updates, you also get access to episode transcripts, worksheets, and other downloadables!

Credits and Sponsors

Fashion jewelry from Kerianne at Tell her you saw her bling on Creative Freedom!

Music: "Welcome to the Show" by Kevin MacLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

This is the last segment on aspects of underearning, but I'm coming at it a different way. Forbes just launched their list of 2018's richest self-made women.

I get where they're coming from, but the truth is that none of us is self-made. None of us just spontaneously appeared from the ether. Someone, somewhere had a hand in our birth and our rise.

So, I'm busting the “self-made” myth bubble in this episode, and showing you the 4 kinds of people you need to succeed, as well as why your environment is such a big deal when it comes to your success.

If you need more structure to get the support you need, or more practice in asking for help, join us in A-Club. You’ll get a lot out of our tight-knit community of folks. We’re all in there, working toward owning our dreams, one step at a time.

Who are your supporters? What's your environment like?

Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments. Your insights may spark a conversation that helps someone else!

Mentioned in this episode:

Rising Tide Members

If you haven't already downloaded this week's bonus content, you'll want to do that here. Not a member yet? It's free! When you register for email updates, you also get access to episode transcripts, worksheets, and other downloadables!

Credits and Sponsors

Fashion jewelry from Kerianne at Tell her you saw her bling on Creative Freedom!

Music: "Welcome to the Show" by Kevin MacLeod
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0