Lisa Robbin Young

[Creative Freedom S5E3]

One of the things that stops creatives from growing their business is a fear that they don’t have the credibility it takes to attract quality clients. Fusion Creatives tend to be “credential collectors” which stops you from bringing your Great Work to the world. This episode shares five things you can do (starting today) to build credibility in your niche, even if you’re just starting out.

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Podcast Show Notes

  • 2:01  – What a well known “Trust Barometer” tells us about building trust in today’s marketplace
  • 3:38 – How Muhammad Ali, Steve Jobs, and Lady Gaga built credible brands (hint: it’s not sexy!)
  • 9:08 – How I built credibility when I first started in the online world.
  • 11:18 – Questions to ask to get powerful testimonials
  • 14:03 – How to ETHICALLY borrow the credibility of peers and influencers
  • 22:23 – A subtle “underground advertising” technique to get more press coverage

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Music: “Welcome to the Show” by Kevin MacLeod, Music licensed under