Lisa Robbin Young

My husband and I were talking about the movie Grease the other day. While I was conjuring up lyrics from "You're The One That I Want", Jim piped up and said, "The moral of that story is that you've got to change yourself if you want a man."

I was not seeing it. I mean, he's right that you shouldn't have to change yourself in order to be with someone you care about, but was that really what was going on with Sandy? Or was she finally letting herself be more of the person she wanted to be?

Throughout the movie, Sandy was this buttoned up bobby sockser - watching everyone around her living their lives out loud, while clutching her pearls and saying "I couldn't possibly!" at everything going on. Rizzo and the other Pink Ladies tried to get her "Sandra Dee" to loosen up, but she was too scared and possibly ashamed to do anything about it. Until that drag race showed her what she was missing out on by staying buttoned up.

Buttoned-up or Badass?

Let me be clear: there's nothing wrong with being a "Sandra Dee" type - if that's who you really want to be. But you could tell, at the dance, that there was more to Sandy than the buttoned-up persona she had been sharing with the world. She liked being in the spotlight and was miffed when Cha-Cha pulled Danny away from her and won the competition.

Once she got over herself, her next evolution was a more confident, fun-loving person. Yes, she stepped awkwardly at first, but it was someone she WANTED to be. Not something she HAD to do. Sandy chose a path that worked for her and finally let the rest of the world see more of who she really was.

If you ever feel like your brand isn't doing a good job of telling the world who you are - or that you're being ignored by your ideal clients and customers, you might still be trying to show the world your "Sandra Dee" self, when you've actually evolved into a stronger, more charismatic leader. It's time to step out and shine!

How Brand Resonance Works

Your brand is more than just a logo or a tagline. Your brand is the total experience that your customers have with your business, from the way you communicate to the quality of your products or services. It's the emotional connection that you build with your audience, and it's what sets you apart from your competitors.

So, if you're talking one way when you show up in person and your visual brand or marketing copy doesn't match, there's a disconnect that your right audience won't take the time to figure out. They'll just shrug their shoulders and move on. A confused mind says "no" - or at least, that's what I was taught decades ago when I started my online marketing journey. If your brand isn't feeling like you anymore (or maybe it never really did), then it's time for a tune up!

How do you go about building a brand that truly reflects your personality, voice, and style, and connects with your ideal clients and customers?

Clients hire me when things get out of alignment. The first place I look is their business model. You've heard me talk before about the Creative Freedom Business Model Equation: (You + Why + Who) + What + How. Every business needs a model that works, which is why I love this Equation so much. It's flexible and adaptable to any situation.

But how do you put this into practice?

Dolly Does Branding

Take a cue from Dolly Parton, another famous blonde from musical history. She's a true master of her brand and an undisputed celebrity in her niche. Dolly has built a brand and a business empire that reflects her personality, voice, and style, and has connected deeply with her fans for decades. Her music, fashion, philanthropy, and overall persona have all contributed to her success and enduring popularity. Dolly's unique style and personality have made her a beloved icon for decades. But beyond her music and fashion, what makes her so successful?

Using the Creative Freedom Business Model Equation, let's analyze Dolly's business model!

Know Yourself

The Equation begins with the importance of knowing yourself in order to connect with your ideal customers.

Dolly knows herself. She has a strong sense of self. She embraces her roots and values, and incorporates them into everything she does. She has never been afraid to embrace her unique style and persona. From her flamboyant stage outfits to her signature blonde hair and southern drawl, Dolly has created a persona that is instantly recognizable and beloved by her fans.

Understand Why You Do What You Do

Dolly's "why" is to spread joy and uplift others, which she does through her music, books, and philanthropic work. She's no Pollyanna. She's not afraid to talk about painful things, but she's also quick to look to the sunny side. Dolly has a deep connection and commitment to her audience. She's been open and honest with her fans, sharing personal stories and experiences that resonate with people on a deeply emotional level. Dolly makes it clear that she cares deeply about her fans and wants to make a positive impact on the world.

Your brand should be a reflection of who you are as a person and what you stand for. Don't try to be something you're not just because you think it will be more marketable or popular. Authenticity is key, and your audience will be able to sense if you're not being genuine.

You need to know what you stand for. Take some time to define your brand values – the principles and beliefs that guide everything you do. Then, SHARE them with your audience! These values are the foundation of your brand and can help you stay true to your authentic self.

Who Needs You Most?

To create a brand that resonates with your ideal clients and customers, you need to know who they are. What are their needs, desires, and pain points? What do they value? What motivates them? What kind of language and tone do they respond to? Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, you can tailor your brand messaging and marketing materials to speak directly to them.

Dolly understands that her fans value her sincerity, so she speaks from the heart - and isn't afraid to share hardship and poke fun at herself! She also knows how to adapt and stay relevant without compromising her values, such as when she collaborated with EDM artist Galantis on a remix of her hit song "Faith."

Your brand should tell a story – the story of who you are, what you stand for, and how you can help your audience. Use your brand messaging and marketing materials to share your personal journey and connect with your audience on an emotional level.

What Are You Selling? How do you deliver it?

This isn't just about your product, but the deeper benefits your audience gets from experiencing your work. Dolly is a singer and songwriter, so she's selling stories - in musical or written form. But what Dolly actually sells (the deeper benefit) is joy, connection, belonging, and hope. Whether it's music, Dollywood, OR any of the other "offers" that Dolly has for sale, the ultimate goal is the same - to put a smile in your heart and make the world a better place.

Dolly knows how to deliver her message to her audience. Her infectious personality and magnetic charisma make her a natural performer, and her business savvy has helped her build an empire that includes Dollywood theme park and her own record label, and numerous projects for film and television. Dolly has created a brand that has wide reach. And while she delivers it to you in a variety of ways, the "what" that Dolly delivers is the same every time.

Don't be afraid to let your personality shine through in your brand. Embrace your quirks and unique traits – they're what make you stand out from the crowd. Whether it's a love of 80's musicals, country music, a passion for hiking, or a quirky sense of humor, incorporating your personal interests and hobbies into your brand can help you connect with your audience on a deeper level.

Consistency is key when it comes to building a strong, authentic brand. Your messaging, visuals, and overall tone should be consistent across all your marketing channels, from your website to your social media accounts. Use the same color scheme, fonts, and tone of voice to create a cohesive brand identity that's instantly recognizable. Make sure they reflect the current you - not who you were 10 years ago! If it's time for an upgrade or update, talk to a brand design professional who can help your materials better reflect your awesomeness.

Building a successful business isn't just about branding - it's about having a solid business model that supports your unique strengths and skills. That's why we invite you to join us at our Cashflow Creator Workshop, where we'll dive deeper into the Creative Freedom Business Model Equation and help you create a business model that works for how you're wired to work. Register now to secure your spot and take the next step towards building a business that aligns with your values and goals!

Remember, building a brand takes time and effort. But with the right Equation - and a little inspiration from Sandy and Dolly - you can create a brand that has your fans singing "You're the one that I want!"

[Creative Freedom S6E1]

As part of Season 6 of Creative Freedom, we decided to take our parodies to a new level. Here's the full-length parody from Episode 1.

How do you build a business that lets you stay true to yourself - you know, without selling out? That's what Season 6 Episode 1 of the Creative freedom Show is all about!

T.A.D.A. is an acronym we developed to help you listen to what's really on your heart and bring yourself and your business into alignment (or back into alignment) with what's true for you. Check out the show episode to learn more.

Sponsors & Credits

Special thanks to our Patrons for your continued support.
"Be True to Yourself" is a parody of "Be Good to Yourself", originally recorded by Journey. Parody lyrics by Lisa Robbin Young.

[Creative Freedom S5EB5]

This is bonus episode 5 in an unscripted series of lessons learned from 25 years as a creative entrepreneur. You're getting 4 big lessons in a single episode as I gear up to lead you through the Fix This Next methodology. Can ya handle it?

President Eisenhower was right: plans are useless, but planning is everything. That said, you can't control the outcome, you can only influence it by what you do and what you choose not to do. Remember, too, that your goal isn't always THE goal, and if you want to achieve it, you need to be consistent. Consistency isn't sexy, but it works.

Listen To The Podcast

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Podcast Show Notes

  • Why Eisenhower was right
  • Why even Chaotic Creatives need to have a plan
  • Why it's great to abandon your old goals in favor of new ones
  • The importance of consistency
  • Why doing what you can as you are able is not a cop out

Mentioned In This Episode

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Sponsors & Credits

Special thanks to our Patrons for your continued support.
Theme music: “Welcome to the Show” by Kevin MacLeod, Music licensed under

[Creative Freedom S5EB4]

First, I'm super thrilled to announce that I'm now a fully licensed and certified Fix This Next coach and I'm booking assessments now. I mention this now because it's a huge celebration, but also because it's relevant to this week's episode. When you can pinpoint the biggest issue in your business, you can fix it sooner and get your business back on track. That's what Fix This Next can do for you. Schedule your Fix This Next assessment today and get the clarity you need to grow your creative enterprise.

“If you can avoid just a few of the biggest, most crucial mistakes that I’ve made, then success is going to come much easier.” Said Shravan Gupta.

Okay, on with the show. This is bonus episode four in a series of unscripted "lessons learned" from 25 years as a creative entrepreneur.

One of the hardest lessons I learned was this: No one is coming to save you. You're a business owner, and you need to act like one. If you don't like the way the system works, the only way to change it is from the inside. In this episode, I'll take you behind the scenes in my biggest business failure and share how I turned it around.

You'll also see examples from Apple, Denise Duffield-Thomas, and Leonie Dawson, to show you why you need to take control of your business and act like a business owner if you want it to grow - and how growing for growth's sake is only going to make you miserable.

Listen To The Podcast

Download Season 5 Episode B4 | iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify 

Podcast Show Notes

  • The biggest problem most creative entrepreneurs face
  • How I learned (the hard way) that no one was coming to save me - and how I turned it around. Hint: I had to start acting like a business owner
  • The system might be rigged, but the only way to change it is from the inside
  • An example of influencing system change from the outside from the TV show "Timeless"
  • How I'm using my own business to change the system from the inside
  • The importance of retaining profit and the risk (and privilege) of racking up debt in the early stages of business (and why I endorse using Profit First)
  • Two examples of 7 figure entrepreneurs who decided to "scale back" and stop growing for the sake of growth (and how to decide for yourself)

Mentioned In This Episode

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Not a member yet? It's free! When you register for the Rising Tide, you also get email updates, the FREE learning library, and access to episode transcripts, worksheets, and more!

Sponsors & Credits

Special thanks to our Patrons for your continued support.
Theme music: “Welcome to the Show” by Kevin MacLeod, Music licensed under

[Creative Freedom S5EB3]

This is bonus episode two in a series of unscripted "lessons learned" from 25 years as a creative entrepreneur. Your business is NOT the Field of Dreams. If you built it, ya gotta market it or people ain't coming - or BUYING!

At the core, marketing is sharing your message with an interested audience. But what's that message? And where do you find an interested audience? That's what we're looking at in this episode! You'll also hear about some real-world marketing examples and my "SIMPLE" framework for marketing and launching your offers.

Listen To The Podcast

Download Season 5 Episode B3 | iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify 

Podcast Show Notes

  • 3:07 The blessing and curse of misquoting that line from "Field of Dreams"
  • 6:24 It's not your fault that your marketing skills are lacking, AND it's your responsibility to do something about that.
  • 10:00 What happens when marketing feels "hard" and how to flip the script.
  • 14:00 Why it's important to stop tweaking and SHIP your stuff!
  • 15:20 The problem with the two-week "Launch Formula" window for early stage creatives (with real-life examples)
  • 19:33 How far in advance should you start marketing before you sell something? Evergreen doesn't mean set it and forget it, and you don't have to be in launch mode all the time either.
  • 20:55 How to figure out your marketing message and the interested audience that will most likely resonate with that message (and an example from my own business).
  • 22:56 Nobody wants what you're selling. Here's what they DO want (and how to give it to them with what you offer).
  • 24:26 What happens if you have multiple markets/audiences?
  • 26:20 Why you need to speak to them with their language before you can talk to them with your "insider" language.
  • 28:26 A helpful tool to keep your marketing on track.

Mentioned In This Episode

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Our Rising Tide Community has moved! If you're already a member, you can login and access your free downloads here.

Not a member yet? It's free! When you register for the Rising Tide, you also get email updates, the FREE learning library, and access to episode transcripts, worksheets, and more!

Sponsors & Credits

Special thanks to our Patrons for your continued support.
Theme music: “Welcome to the Show” by Kevin MacLeod, Music licensed under

[Creative Freedom S5EB2]

Firstly, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope 2020 is as amazing for you as it has already been for me. I just celebrated my 45th birthday, and the entire weekend was superb. Then, on Monday, Charlie and the gang at Productive Flourishing published my guest post about the 25 lessons I've learned from 25 years in business. Some of them I'll be sharing in future episodes, but if you want the whole list, go check out Charlie's blog!

This is Episode Two in a series of unscripted conversations I'm hosting on the podcast between seasons. This episode shares one of the first principles I started teaching to direct sellers when I first became a coach: The most important "product" that your company has to offer is you. No matter where you go, there you are, on display for the world to see, and if you represent a business, that's part of the reputation of the company.

It's just as true today for creative entrepreneurs as it is for direct sellers. In a world where there are lots of people doing things similar to you, the truth is that YOU are the competitive advantage your business relies on most. As the face of your company, you were what your audience is buying into every time they make a buying decision. This week's bonus episode fills in the details and helps you get a handle on it even further. You'll also get a peek into my business and see what's been working, what hasn't, and how we're re-tooling for 2020

Listen To The Podcast

Download Season 5 Episode B2 | iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify 

Podcast Show Notes

  • 2:00 Why you are the most important product your company has to offer
  • 4:56 If Apple and Virgin need a face for their company, it's even more important that you have a face for your company… and it's probably you.
  • 7:08 What clients are really buying when they choose to work with/hire you.
  • 11:38 An example from my business that illustrates Why you need to be mindful of your capacity and boundaries when you're creating offers.
  • 15:30 Let go of unprofitable products to help you innovate and create room for growth.
  • 18:39 A big realization about what I was doing wrong with my copy and content.
  • 23:00 Being right vs. being real
  • 26:23 Remember that not everyone sees the world through your lens. Drop the judgement, because they may not be wrong even if they disagree with you.
  • 29:03 Do a "product discovery" on yourself. Get "product knowledge" that you can use to share your messaging and positioning with your world.
  • 31:00 Why it's great that not everyone will like you.

Mentioned In This Episode

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Our Rising Tide Community has moved! If you're already a member, you can login and access your free downloads here.

Not a member yet? It's free! When you register for the Rising Tide, you also get email updates, the FREE learning library, and access to episode transcripts, worksheets, and more!

Sponsors & Credits

Special thanks to our Patrons for your continued support.
Theme music: “Welcome to the Show” by Kevin MacLeod, Music licensed under

[Creative Freedom S5E1]

Brace yourself... Creative Freedom Season Five is here!

That's right! After a year of researching, scripting, filming, editing, and travelling, Creative Freedom is back for another season of inspiration and education to help you Own Your Dreams Without Selling Your SoulTM.

Creative entrepreneurs from all over the place sent me questions to answer, and we're kicking off the season with a few of the most important ones. Today, we're talking about branding, specifically how to re-invent yourself or brand yourself as a creative entrepreneur.

It's not always easy to brand yourself when you're constantly evolving. Heck, even the concept of branding has evolved over the years. This episode gives you some questions to consider, along with a brief history of branding through the centuries - and what it means to you (and your clients) in its current evolution.

Listen to the Podcast

Download Season 5 Episode 1 | iTunes | Stitcher | Spotify 

If you’re listening to just the podcast, you’re only getting about a third of the deal. Catch the Creative Freedom web series or join me on Facebook on Fridays at 5:30pm Central time for a LIVE Q&A about the week's topic.

Podcast Show Notes

  • 01:55 - A brief history of branding - it's not as boring as you might think!
  • 08:08 - What branding means (to you and your Raving Fans) in today's world
  • 9:27 - The evolution of my coaching practice from Home Party Solution to the Creative Freedom brand
  • 16:06 - The importance of repetition and reputation in branding yourself as a creative entrepreneur
  • 17:30 - 3 questions to ask yourself to help define your brand identity
  • 18:27 - Creative Entrepreneur Brand Case Study: Dr. Liz Powell
  • 20:29 - The new, old direction for the Creative Freedom Show
  • 23:37 - Where many creative entrepreneurs fall short with their branding

Mentioned in this episode:

Rising Tide Members

Our Rising Tide Community has moved! If you're already a member, you can login and access your free downloads here.

Not a member yet? It's free! When you register for the Rising Tide, you also get email updates, the FREE learning library, and access to episode transcripts, worksheets, and more!

Sponsors & Credits

Special thanks to our Patrons for your continued support.
Music: "Welcome to the Show" by Kevin MacLeod. Music and sound effects licensed under Creative Commons 3.0