Lisa Robbin Young

How to recapture your creativity

Some people are born to take on creative roles and others struggle to fit in with the confines of a traditional job. I've said it before and I'll say it until I die - we are ALL creative. But not all creatives are entrepreneurs.

For people who embrace their creative impulses, it can seem like you were always destined to pursue a different career path from the rest of society. Many people with a natural creative flair find themselves setting their own work agenda. Creative people may find their ideal role as an entrepreneur or freelancer, which allows them to work without the constraints of a traditional nine-to-five setup or to enjoy the flexibility of working to their own schedule. This may sound like the ideal way to work, but it can be challenging to keep your creativity flowing. Others, still, may only choose to pursue their creative endeavors as a hobby.

Many creative people find that they hit a stumbling block from time to time. This may mean that there are periods where they struggle to be productive and find that their creativity seems to have all but disappeared. So, what can be done when this situation strikes? Feeling that your creative juices have stopped flowing can be frustrating and pretty worrying when it is your income source. Take a look at these tips to help you recapture your creativity and regain your productivity:

Get a Change of Scenery

When you feel stuck in a rut, and your creativity has come to a standstill, it is helpful to remove yourself from the situation. Whether you are a writer, an artist, a designer, or have an entirely different creative role, getting a change of scenery can be a big help. 

Moving yourself away from the distractions of your daily life can provide you with the breathing space you need to regain your creativity. This could mean taking a break at a resort near Nashville or taking a trip to the coast. Whether you stay away for one night or a few, you should find that creating this distance is a great help.

Let Go of Perfection

When you use your creativity to generate your income, it is only natural that you want to deliver the best work every time. When your business and reputation depend on your creative abilities, it can be even more challenging when your creativity dries up. While this is never an easy situation, it can be helpful to ease the pressure on yourself. Putting yourself under excessive pressure to be perfect will only cause your creativity to dry up. Instead, it can be helpful to let go of this pressure and to be kinder to yourself. 

Rather than trying to create your best work, it can be helpful to simply focus on creating some work. This means your work does not need to be perfect; you simply need to create something. 

The work you produce may be incomplete, messy, or even nonsensical. However, the important thing is that you got started and produced something. This work then provides you with a foundation to work on, safe in the knowledge that your creativity will soon start to flow again.

(Image licensed under Pexels CC0 License)

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