I almost didn't post this episode.
Technology is always shifting and changing, and by the time this episode was ready to air, Blab announced they were closing (with a vision for their next evolution), and Google Hangouts On Air started making the transition to YouTube Live.
And I had mentioned both of them in this episode! Don't you just love technology?
These changes underscore the point that live video is just another tactic in your marketing arsenal. And it may or may not be right for you - especially if you don't like the idea of investing in a platform that goes the way of the dodo bird.
So we re-edited the show and now it's a little more "timeless." Hee hee.
The answer depends a lot on how you want to show up in the world - and how you want your business to show up in the world. Like any tactic, there are pros and cons to using live video, and this week's episode offers up three reasons why live video may (or may not) be a good fit for you (and a half-naked Rockwell - who doesn't like that?).
You probably already know about Periscope, but the other platform I mentioned this week is Gigee. They are my go-to platform for all my virtual concerts. I still use skype for client sessions and I'm also playing around with Zoom and Crowdcast right now. Who knows what platforms will be available in the weeks and months to come? I'm not afraid to try new things, and I love video, but I'm also (like you) a busy entrepreneur who doesn't have time for unreliable or flash-in-the-pan platforms. When it comes to promoting your creative endeavors, remember this:
Marketing tactics may come and go, but strategy is for the long haul. (Tweet this).
Did you try live video and give it a pass? Do you love it? What live video platforms are working for you? Share your thoughts and ideas in the comments and be part of our Rising Tide!
There are those who might scoff at me for calling out a guy like Lewis Howes. After all, he's a pretty good guy, he's got a new book coming out this fall (I've read the first chapter, and so far, so good), and the value he shares on his podcasts is life changing for many.
Well, I was watching him on Periscope the other day, and while I enjoyed his scope and what he shared, I really think he missed the mark when talking about his 5 "Must-Haves" for creating a powerful, irresistible personal brand. He focused a LOT on specific tactics, which I think can be useful - for the right people. But some people simply can't (or won't) utilize those tactics for various reasons. Which would mean they don't have the "must haves" in place for creating a powerful personal brand (according to Lewis).
So does that mean they are screwed?
This week, I'm calling out Lewis because I want to dig deeper, get under the hood and see WHY he's recommending those tactics - which clearly work for him at the stage he's at in his business and brand development, but may not work for you. What will? When we get down to the reasons behind the tactics, THAT is where the gold is.
I even invoke the names of a knight, a dead man, and Scarface himself to make the point.
We're getting serious in this week's episode of Creative Freedom.
What's my platform? This blog is my primary platform. I also have some social media outposts (like Youtube, where my videos are hosted, facebook, and twitter) that host or amplify my Great Work in the world. My music is also a platform to share my Great Work.
What's my credibility? I've been a creative artist and entrepreneur for over 20 years. I built one of the first-ever ecommerce websites (by hand) back in the 90's. I've helped hundreds of solopreneurs double or triple their income, clear their calendars and have more free time, and essentially build a business that gives them time and money to enjoy their lives. I've also worked with several best selling authors to increase their reach, enlarge their platforms, or develop new revenue streams. I teach what works because I've been in the trenches. I've been on stages, interviewed on podcasts, and yes, I have an international best-selling business book written especially for solopreneurs (and another on the way). Some people call that more than enough. Others, because I don't have a bunch of awards and media attention would say I've still got work to do. My clients, seem pretty happy, though.
Where's my social proof? I've got pages of testimonials for my products, services, and my book. I've been invited to guest post on various blogs, speak on national stages, podcasts, and interviewed on local television. I've got a modest, organic following of real people on social media. I have endorsements from best selling authors and high recommendations from my clients. Again, for some people that's plenty. For others, they'd rather work with someone that's certified as a coach, or has a litany of credentials. The question YOU need to be asking is "how much is enough?" - because "enough" is relative, and only your right clients can answer that for you.
My personal connection to my audience? Sure, I use video - but that's a recent development. Before that, I held teleclasses and Q&A sessions where people could ask me anything. I've done webinars, and my newsletter has been going out almost every week for nearly 7 years now (I still have a few of those early subscribers on my list!) - and I respond personally to every email that's sent to me. I also use social media (Periscope, pinterest, and instagram are my go-to favorites right now) to connect with my audience and let them know me in a more personal way. Plus, every video in the 300 songs project begins with a story to give you an insight into me, the project, and the players who help me make the music so awesome. Connection is important to me.
My authenticity? I'm about as real as I know how to be. My brand is about showing up fully as yourself - warts, sparkles, and all. That means bad hair days, calling out minor celebrities, and generally telling the truth in love as I see it. Sometimes I'm wrong, and I own that. I try to create a judgement-free zone, and people who know me get that.
Did I miss the mark here? Is Lewis right? Am I wrong? Do you have your own take on what you need to build a powerful (profitable) personal brand? Share your thoughts in the comments, and let's be a rising tide for everyone. And if you know Lewis, tell him to stop in and share his thoughts!