Lisa Robbin Young

For years, I thought I was a horrible entrepreneur and an even worse mother.

I knew how to make money, but it always seemed to come at a cost. I either made money, or I spent time with my family, but rarely did I get to do both.

There was a lot of talk about work-life "balance". Trying to get all your competing demands to even out - like the scales of justice or something.

I've mentioned before that work-life balance is a myth - at least in that form. But something still tugs at that emotional string that tells us we can have it all, doesn't it?

It did for me. (more…)

In my conversations about building a noble empire, one of the regular questions I get is "how do you build a noble empire?"

This used to be a difficult question to answer. When we talk about the Five Tenets of a Noble Empire, we know that it takes a community to build an empire. We know that it is built on service, not servitude, and that we need connections to make that happen. But HOW do we get there? Other than letting nature run its course, which admittedly takes time, could there be a faster way to build your noble empire?

According to Sarah Robinson, there is. (more…)

Two years ago, I put together this video mashup of two scenes from Spider Man 2. In it, you hear Aunt May talking about how there's a hero in each one of us. I thought it was a perfectly inspiring underscore to Spidey's big train rescue scene.

This video's been watched over 175,000 times to date by a bunch of total strangers.

"I believe there's a hero in all of us that keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride."

-Aunt May

12/20/2012 update: Since I wrote this post, (Sept 13 2012) the video has now been viewed over 227,000 times. We are crying out for heroes in this world. We are crying out for YOU.


