Lisa Robbin Young

[Note: This is the first in a series of what I hope will be daily video posts. I've got a lot on my mind, and writing feels too slow. We'll see how this "daily" thing goes, but today's eclipse gave me a bunch of ideas. Here's the first one. Enjoy!]

Get Your Year In Gear - LIVE

What are you "shedding" this fall? How are you taking advantage of all the changing energies to clear space and get yourself ready for the new year?

Whenever a person invests $40, plus $10 shipping for a box of 16 chocolates, you can be sure they're buying more than just chocolates. But what makes this offer work? And how can you apply it to your own business? Watch the video!

(This is an excerpt from Spotlight Sessions, my program to help you build your Noble Empire without selling your soul.)


What about you?

Now that you've gotten a better idea about how your clients approach your offer, can you see a new way to describe what it is that you really sell?

Share your thoughts in the comments!


Far too many of us walk around regurgitating what others have said, doing what others have done, that we forget about our own "you-nique-ness", as I've called it before. We want "blueprints" and insider help from a so-called "guru". We want the answers when we don't even always know the questions yet.

Yet, we see and understand truths we don't always articulate. We hear the voices in the heads of those around us not yet courageous enough to say what they're thinking. Sometimes we're one of them, and sometimes we speak up, step out, and shine a little - even if only for a moment.

But standing out (even briefly) can be scary or painful.

One woman I know said it was like a big target was on her back. To her, being visible meant people were poised to attack her the minute she began to shine.

I hope I'm not the only one here who relates to that idea.


As a small child, I knew I was called to be a performer. I remember being 2 or 3 years old (before we moved into the house I grew up in) and "performing" for my family. I'd stand up on my wooden toy box, pretending it was a stage, dancing and singing for whoever would give me the time of day. I remember the day I was too big to stand on that "stage" - my foot went right through the lid and broke the toy box.

Somehow, I've managed to totally mungle my dream because of shame.

I grew up in a community where the biggest dream most folks had was to get a good paying job in "the shop". GM practically owned Flint when I was growing up, and the parents of most of the kids I ran with were either in the shop, or served the shop workers as teachers, lawyers, or doctors. Our town was a shop economy. (more…)

In this final segment of my interview with Sarah Robinson, we're talking about the Fierce Loyalty Accelerators, specifically, exclusivity and love. Sarah talks about how the accelerators aren't meant to be a stand-alone device to employ, but work in tandem with the Fierce Loyalty model to help you grow an intensely committed community of like-minded people (your tribe, your Noble Empire). Sarah also speaks candidly about why she chose self-publishing over the traditional route, as well as the results of working with a hand-picked street team to launch her book.

[Editor's note: This is part five in a series of year-end posts I write to focus my efforts for the new year. Here are links to parts 1, 2, 3 and 4.]


That was the theme for 2012, and as I look back, I can say I'm pretty happy with where things ended up.

Even though they are far from the mark I set for myself.

And that's okay. In fact, it's actually a good thing. Because it took a LOT of bravery to adjust my sails as the winds picked up and the seas started churning in my life and business.

You may or may not know that I essentially dissolved my business in 2011. That means starting from very close to scratch in 2012. God bless my avid readers, because they are the ones that kept my ship afloat this year.

Ironically, that's probably the truth in every year, but my eyes weren't open to it. (more…)

[Editor's note: this is a re-post from January 2012. Part 4 of a series of year-end posts I write each year. When we migrated to the new site design, all the old posts were archived. Here are posts 12 and 3]

Every year, I pick a word to frame my development. I also pick a "theme song" to underscore my morning mindset work. I get to dig in and rock on each morning with a tune that pretty much sets me up for the day I want to have, the life and business I want to create.

Last year, my word was "ENTHUSIASM" (yes, I decided on all caps about half way through the year) - the idea being to infuse more spirit into everything I was doing. My theme song was Matthew West's "The Motions". I would lip sync and sing and conjure my own "rock videos" in my living room - like I was going to be on American Idol or something. It was funny, but it was also a very honest reflection of the kind of enthusiasm I really wanted to imbue in every action, every effort, every everything in 2011.

This year, after a daunting 2011 (hey, I asked for it!), I figured I needed to power up a bit, and picked "brave" as my word o' the year. I also selected Nichole Nordeman's song by the same name (some of the lyrics are in the boxes below). (more…)

[Editor's note: this is a re-post from November 2010. Part of a series of year-end posts I write each year. When we migrated to the new site design, all the old posts were archived.]
