Lisa Robbin Young

How Do You Keep Your Team Happy & Motivated?

There comes a time in your business when you just have too much work to complete alone. Whether you choose to outsource or hire, working with others means keeping them as happy, and as motivated as possible while still staying true to your vision and goals for your business. Here are a few obvious things that matter - and often get overlooked or ignored when you're a solopreneur.

Make sure your staff get paid on time 

Like I said, sometimes it's obvious. Having to chase you down for payment is not only inconvenient and insulting, it can result in missed bills and wastes your workers’ time. If you're not at a point where you can consistently pay your folks in a timely manner, you're not ready for regular help. Instead, consider per-project or per-task help until you have a steady baseline income that will support having regular help.

When you're ready to hire - or pay freelancers - you're going to need an EIN (here in the US) if you don't want your Social Security information on blast. In case you don't know how long it takes to get an EIN, it depends on how you apply. If you don't already have one, now's the time to get that handled

As your company grows automated payroll software can be used to track hours and automatically work out wages for the week, making accurate and on-time payments a breeze. 

Consider their work-life balance

Entrepreneurs are well known for their strong work ethic. Indeed, sometimes we are accused of letting business come first in everything we do! But your team isn't as invested in your company as you are. You need to consider their work-life balance. As I write this, my assistant is taking a few weeks off for some vacation and to attend to family matters. Your business needs to be able to support them as much as they support you.

Reward success... and failure!

It may sound obvious but you’d be surprised at how many entrepreneurs forget to reward their team when they do well. After all, when our businesses do well we, as entrepreneurs get the built-in rewards of success, increased profit, and status. However, this rarely impacts either in-house or outsourced workers. 

To that end, you must take the time to properly reward your team. Contract team members are typically rewarded differently than employess, but those "thank-you's" still go a long way. The best way to know for sure is to ASK them what motivates and inspires them. Then use that information to deepen your relationships with them.

That doesn't mean you have to give them everything they ask for - remember, this is still YOUR business and it needs to work for how you're wired to work. Reasonable requests that can be accommodated go a long way toward building morale and driving team loyalty.

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