Lisa Robbin Young

How To Delegate Tasks Effectively

How To Delegate Effectively

Running a business isn't about how much you can do by yourself. Instead, it's about figuring out what you're good at and focusing on that while giving the tasks you don't like or aren't good at to people who can do them better than you. It can be difficult to delegate, but letting go of some parts of your work can help your business run more efficiently and help you make more sales and money. We recently found a virtual assistant agency to fits us perfectly and handles many of our delegation needs. Here are some steps to take when you want to start delegating.

Photo by fauxels

Don’t Overdo It 

To run a business well takes a lot of work, but you shouldn't give out too many tasks. If you feel like you have too much work to do, think about how your staff would feel if you kept giving them more tasks. If they have too much work, it won't be done well, it won't get done on time, or it might not get done at all.

Delegating is not the same as giving someone else everything you need to do in your business, leaving you with nothing to do. When you delegate, you should be smart and give other people the tasks you know they can do better than you. Giving away all your tasks won't solve the problem; it will just move it to someone else, and nothing will get done.

Choose The Right People 

When you give important tasks to other people, it's important to pick the right people to help you. The person you choose to delegate something to must be right for the job. It would be best if they already knew how to do it, but if they don't, they must be willing to listen and learn from you. Try to use the skills and strengths of each team member so that jobs can be done more quickly and easily and there is less downtime in the business as a whole.

Give Them The Right Tools 

Providing your employees with the resources they need to execute their jobs goes beyond just a desk and a phone. This means providing them with everything they need to do their jobs effectively. It also includes ensuring sure everything you need is easily accessible and in good functioning order. No matter what it is they need, from teaching software for K-12 schools to heavy machinery and vehicles, if you want to delegate effectively, you need to provide the right equipment. 

If you don’t do this, you can delegate the tasks, but they may not be done well. They may not even be done at all. You’ll need to work at putting the foundations in place before you can really make headway when it comes to delegating. 

Give A Reason 

Technically, you could just give your team a list of tasks to do and be done with it, but if you want to get the most out of them, it's best to explain why you're asking them to do something. Be honest about the fact that your business is starting to grow and you have a number of other tasks to do, and tell them that you think they would enjoy the task, do it well, or do it better. Show them how this work will help them grow as people and how the new responsibilities you're giving them will help them, you, and the business as a whole. If they know all this, they will be much more willing to complete the task.

Be Clear 

If you aren't clear and specific when you give someone a task, it will be much harder for them to do it the way you want and in the time frame you set. Give the person you're delegating to the clearest instructions you can, and if you can explain why the job needs to be done, that will help them see how it all fits into the bigger picture of running your business.

If you only give vague instructions, you shouldn't be surprised if the job isn't done the way you wanted it to be done or if your team member keeps coming to you with more questions that stop what you're doing and make the task take much longer than it should.

Check In 

Leaving an employee to focus on the task at hand may be the quickest solution, but it could backfire in the long run, hurting both you and the employee. The process will go more easily if you check in with them periodically to see if they need anything or have any queries. Delegating is entrusting others with responsibility without hovering over their shoulders, but letting them know you’re there if they need you is a crucial component, especially when you first start doing it. 

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