Lisa Robbin Young

Where's Your Yellow Brick Road?

yellowbrickOne of the perks of working for myself is the ability to create my own schedule for the day. One of my "must do" activities each morning is prayer and meditation as part of The PEACE System. It helps me clear my head and prioritize my day so that I can be my best self and do my best work with fewer distractions.

Well, one morning during meditation, I was struck with this vision of Dorothy jaunting down the yellow brick road on her way to the Emerald City. At least, I presumed that's where she was going. And then I saw her face...

It was me!

Now, I've long held a fascination with L. Frank Baum's story of the young Kansas girl's trip to this mythical land. After all, she's one of the first modern-day female action heroes. She wasn't so much a damsel in distress as she was a woman on a mission - hell bent to get home, whatever it took. Slay a witch? Okay. Help a scarecrow get a brain? no problem. Flying monkeys? Piece of cake.

But I've never really seen myself in her ruby slippers until now.

For years, I believed that the whole Oz story was metaphorical, and that it would make a great business analogy, but I didn't really see how all the pieces fit together. Carrie Wilkerson recently touched on her approach that she calls "The Oz Factor", but for me, it missed the mark. Carrie's approach was all about Dorothy as a leader, and while I think there's an element of leadership in all this, for me, it's bigger than gaining followers. In fact, the Tin Man, The Scarecrow, and The Cowardly Lion were less about following Dorothy than they were about going on their own quest to uncover their gifts and reclaim who they rightfully were.

And as the week ticked on, the whole picture unfolded in front of me. The wicked witch, Glinda, The Wizard, even the Munchkins all have their unique role to play on your journey down the yellow brick road. As it all got clear for me, naturally, I wanted to share it with you! But writing it didn't feel like it would convey the enthusiasm, so I want to TALK to you! 🙂

You are Dorothy. Travel YOUR road!

So if you're feeling adventurous, join me Friday morning, September 20, for this special, one-time-only call. Plan for about 45 minutes - and there's NOTHING for sale... well, nothing except the recording of the call.

Can't make it live? No problem, you can order the recording at any time BEFORE the call and pick your payment price. AFTER the call, the recording will go into the archives. Don't miss this one-time opportunity!

Here are the call-in details:

Date: September 20, 10AM Eastern

Dial: (559) 726-1200
Access Code: 194106#


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