Lisa Robbin Young

BYOG Day 18 - It's Your Wisdom Calling

by Leela Sinha

[Editor's note: This is day 18 in the Be Your Own Guru series. Leela offers us a 7-minute audio that speaks out about the information our body sends us all day long - and how we need to stop ignoring it if we want to experience peace, pleasure, and balance in our lives.]

Download Leela's audio here.

Highlights of the audio:

1:13 - The double edged sword of "letting go"

2:30 - Ways to achieve balance

3:10 - An exercise to connect to your true self

4:00 - The smartest part of you (hint: it's NOT your brain)



Leela Sinha is a certified coach and ordained minister focused on helping you experience real pleasure. Following pleasure isn’t about shutting down everything else. It’s about having a way to find your heart again. Leela says it's "the most engaging, exhausting, invigorating play I’ve ever done. It certainly feels too good to be associated with 'work'. But it’s not exactly relaxing. It’s more like summiting a fabulous mountain with an amazing companion. (That would be you. The companion. Or maybe the companion is me. It’s all about perspective.)"

Want your own great things? Ready to have your body back? Visit Leela's website, or connect with Leela on twitter or facebook.

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