Lisa Robbin Young

[Creative Freedom S7E1]

It's finally Season 7! It has been a long road to get here, and I’m so excited to be digging into the new content this season - all around helping you overcome the Passed Over Paradox and step more confidently into your Great Work. To be that star in your market, instead of a best-kept secret.

Last season I talked about increasing your brand visibility by showing up, giving people a reason to pay attention and by collaborating with colleagues. But that third point - collaborating with colleagues - deserves an episode all to itself.

This episode is about building a community network and finding the right moments and opportunities to tap into those communities for business growth and visibility.

Listen To The Podcast

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Podcast Show Notes

Inside this episode, we're talking about:

  • What becoming “coffee worthy” really means
  • Why “Leverage” is not a dirty word
  • Late night TV is like networking on steroids
  • Why focusing on IPA makes the difference
  • The smartest move Tim Burton made
  • Real-world examples of relationships that led to better businesses
  • Networking cues from the TV show Lost
  • The importance of (and problem with) networking outside your industry

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Theme music: “Big Time” by Ikoliks,