Marvel just dropped the official trailer for the upcoming film, Avengers Endgame. Filming began in August 2017, in the can since January, and in post production since October. Fans have been dropping concept trailers since August. But the current release date is scheduled for the end of April, 2019!
You can't buy tickets this early. So why drop the trailer now?
Yes, it takes time to edit a film, but not 18 months! The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a carefully choreographed series of content pieces that all work together on one timeline. They are released in a particular order that synchronizes with every other piece of content: film, television, etc. They tease future films in current ones, so you get a taste of what's to come. There are over 20 films already released in this series, with at least 15-20 more in the works (not to mention the numerous television series that are also interconnected to the film storylines)!
Disney also intentionally delayed the release of this trailer after the death of former President Bush. Disney insiders said they wanted to capitalize on the anticipated record-breaking buzz they'd get from the trailer release. If they released on a national day of mourning (when the markets are closed), they'd get very little financial benefit from dropping a FREE video clip.
The buzz created from record-breaking video views means an increase in stock price for Disney and their shareholders. They weren't about to miss out on that!
While you may not have a bunch of shareholders, you DO have a vested interest in watching what Disney is doing with Marvel's Avengers. They know how to create buzz and drive demand for an offer - even if that offer is a $10 (or $20) movie ticket.
Here's the thing: all that content comes directly from the film itself (and the people in it)! They're not re-inventing the wheel and trying to crank out a bunch of unrelated content to sell movie tickets. They're giving you some of the best bits of the movie (including the actors) well before the release date in order to entice you to buy a ticket and see the whole thing!
You need compelling content to be able to maintain that buzz for the long months between the start of filming, the first trailer release, and opening day at the box office. Certain media outlets get exclusive behind-the-scenes access during filming. The actors and directors book interviews and use their social media to talk up the film from shooting through opening day. Disney releases trailers and special behind-the-scenes clips to keep fans talking.
The more fans talk, the more fans watch. The more fans watch, the more fans talk. Good or bad, like it or not, the buzz keeps going, which means higher box office sales on opening weekend.
Granted, you may not have multiple offers to choreograph like Marvel does, but it's still important to plan ahead when you're marketing and selling your offers. Do you need 18 months to sell your next big thing? Maybe, maybe not, but a solid content marketing plan can make the difference between shoddy sales and blockbuster results.
What if you could take a closer look at the elements of your offers and tease out the most compelling bits to share with your audience BEFORE your release date? What if your content could build buzz with your fans and get people talking about your content (and by extension, your offer) in advance, so that when you're ready to start selling, people are lined up and ready to buy, and is when using social media is great for this, since people use social media everyday now a days, even more apps like Facebook or Instagram, and you can click here to learn more about this and get the best resources for this.
That's what we're talking about this month in my Accountability Club! On Saturday, December 29 at NOON Central time, we're going to take a closer look at how Marvel and many of today's big names in entertainment, use different types of content to build excitement and drive demand for their projects. We'll also look at how you can use that same approach for your own upcoming offers.
If you're not a member, then you need to be on my email list to get the zoom link to join us!
You're going to learn:
* How to pull your content marketing material directly from your existing offers - regardless of your industry.
* 7 types of content that Hollywood uses to great effect - and how to do the same for your own offers.
* my exact process for generating as much content as possible in as little as a few hours.
* plus, access to the VERY SAME document I use that makes it super easy to keep your ideas organized.
* And a sneak peek at MY content marketing plan for A-Club next year!
This is a WORKSHOP. Which means, you'll be working on your own plan with me during the session. As such, we're probably going to run a little longer - about 90 minutes instead of our usual 60. You'll be able to ask me questions and get suggestions for your specific plan... but only if you show up to the live workshop!
This is the LAST time I'm offering live access to A-Club training at no cost. I'm creating some new free training opportunities for next year, and as a result, A-Club will no longer be open to the public. If you're not a member, the only way to get access to this workshop and the downloadable worksheet is to be on my email list. Details will go out next week,
Hello dear one!
I have never been a big comic book fan. When I was a kid, I wanted to read "real" books. "serious" books. So comics were not part of the equation. Plus, I have an addictive personality, so that would be one more thing on which to spend money I didn't have.
So this whole resurgence of comic book films has been fun for me - to explore the heroic stories of these legendary heroes (many of which I wasn't remotely familiar with before the films). I'm one of those people comic book purists probably hate: I didn't read the books before I watched the movies.
Oh well.
Before this resurgence, the closest I could identify to a superhero was Wonder Woman - you know, the Lynda Carter version (again, never read the books, y'all!). She was something for my pre-teen, 80's self to look up to. But as an adult, I felt more drawn to action heroes like MacGyver, Jason Bourne, and the like.
Then came Captain America.
I admit, if it hadn't starred Chris Evans, I probably wouldn't have thought twice, but he seems like one of those really nice guys in Hollywood, so I went to check it out.
It just gave me another reason to love Evans. It also gave me a new hero.
One that reminded me of you.
In the movie, Steve starts out as this gangly little weakling of a kid (oh, and did I mention, he's an artist, too?). Through the miracle of "modern" science, he becomes Captain America.
But the core of Steve - that which made Captain America - was there from the beginning.
I was working on Pinterest lately, crafting a branding board for a client project, and came across a pin of this painting:
Here's little Steve, with all his heart, hustle, and commitment to the cause - regardless of his size or stature. He knows the person he's capable of becoming, even if the rest of the world doesn't see it yet.
Then, there's Captain America. He TOWERS over little Steve, yet, he's the same guy. The same heart. The same hustle. The same commitment to his cause, his beliefs, and what really matters in his world.
They are the same, even if the world doesn't always see it that way.
But that is how I see you.
I see you when you show up in your "small" self, just wanting to bust out. Ready to jump on your metaphorical "grenade" to save the lives of the people that matter most to you. I see you striving to be as big and strong as you know how to be. I see your "Captain America-ness" trying to burst out of you.
I see your potential - in all the various ways it can manifest: strong leader, successful business owner, deeply spiritual human, loving spouse and parent. I see your struggle for balance, your desire to win - but win something with meaning. To have a meaningful life, a beautiful living doing what you love in ways that inspire the world.
THAT is how I see you.
You don't need some crazy serum concocted by a mad scientist to get to where you want to be. That's just the window dressing that makes it easier for the world to appreciate who you already are. Steve was Captain America all along. The world just didn't know it yet.
I've seen it. I see it every day. I've lived it. I've had to look my own potential in the eye every day. Sometimes I see Steve. Other days, I'm clearly my own Captain America.
But it's all there, all the time. I know it, because I've lived it.
And I see it so clearly in you.
Thank you for letting me glimpse your awesomeness. Thank you for letting me shine a light so that the world can see your Captain. You have SO much to offer the world - even if the world doesn't get it yet.
I do. And I'm grateful to be part of your journey of awesomeness.
Love always,