Lisa Robbin Young

by Kadena Tate

[Editor's Note: On day two of the Be Your Own Guru Series, Kadena Tate helps us get clarity on embracing our own definition of success - even when others think it might be a little crazy.]

Crazy! Everyone offers a different brand of crazy. The question is “How can you unleash your brand of crazy in a manner that touches hearts and expands minds?” In my experience, it is easy once you embrace three beliefs as the foundation of your life and work. The three beliefs are actually quotes and that have blessed my life and my brand:

  1. First up is a quote by the late martial artist Bruce Lee “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine.”

  2. Second is a quote by the poet Ms. Maya Angelou “When people show you who they are, believe them.”

  3. Third is a quote by an unknown author. It reads “When you believe in your dreams, they may come true, but when you believe in yourself, they will come true”.

Now, let’s engage in a bit of “mindset mastery” so that you can unleash your kind of crazy in a wildly wonderful way.

“I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine.” – Bruce Lee

Young Girl Playing By HerselfWhen you finish reading this article, you will have learned that you must be your own guru.   It will be extremely difficult to achieve any level of success if you crave the advice and opinions of others. It is essential that you look within and see only worth, value and goodness.  Looking in the mirror and saying things to yourself like “I’ll never be, do or have enough”, is a sure-fire recipe for failure. It will be nearly impossible to assemble your gifts, talents, strengths, abilities and the lessons learned from your life experiences into marketable and monetizable products and services if you are running here and there asking everyone “What do you think?” (more…)