Lisa Robbin Young

November 5: Back Flip Lesson 1 - The "BackFlop"

I made a promise. After we gave away more than 1000 copies of The Secret Watch during our Amazon promotion, I figured I needed to keep my word and do a backflip.

Well, I don't know HOW to do a back flip - yet.

But I had my first lesson on Sunday:

That was as far as I got by the end of the night. Not quite a back flip, more of a backflop. 🙂

Pretty close, but didn't get my legs in fast enough. The landing kinda hurt, and I'm still wearing a heat pack today. But I'm encouraged. Who knew I could throw myself over my own head like that? I sure didn't!

And my coaches, Matt and Allison were super helpful. LOVE YOU GUYS!

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