Plan For Success: A Special Creative Freedom Event

How To Rock Your New Year and Make 2017 Your Beeotch!


There are probably as many different planners as there are people in the world - at least it felt that way to me. As a Fusion creative, I struggled to find a planning tool that helped me not only plan my year, but make sure my goals were right for me and help me stick to the plan.

And it's no wonder. Most planners are really glorified calendars - they don't help you set or prioritize goals, let alone STICK to a plan to achieve those goals. And if you do find a planner that helps you set goals, how do you know they're the right goals for you? What if "life happens"? How do you get back on track in the middle of the year?

Not every planner is right for your creative type. Which one works best for you?

This year, I researched nearly a dozen of the most popular planning tools for creative entrepreneurs to discover which ones work best your type (are you a Linear, Chaotic, or Fusion?).

VerticalBWWho am I? The name's Lisa Robbin Young. I'm the host of Creative Freedom and the founder of Ark Entertainment Media, a business incubator for creative entrepreneurs. I've spent the past several years developing and researching the creative entrepreneur spectrum and how it impacts your success.

Join me in this special one-time live stream event where I'll share my findings. You'll also learn:

  • How to determine your creative entrepreneur type
  • The one word that guarantees you'll have more fun, more money, and more impact - by doing less
  • How to overcome shiny object syndrome - and when to make it work for you
  • How to focus like a laser on your most important goals
  • and more

Plus, I'll answer YOUR questions at the end, time permitting.

Join us for one of the most powerful live events I've hosted all year!

It's free, but seating is limited. A recording is NOT guaranteed. You'll want to be on live if possible.